Good luck studying!
Hello everyone,
Unfortunately, my CPA Study notes have been removed by blogger. I have apparently infringed upon the copyrights of others. Although my notes are based upon Becker material, the notes were created by me and the material contained within were general accounting principles available in the public domain. I will enter a counter claim and hopefully resolve this issue.
I am using your notes for FAR study and it is great. Would you please email me the notes for BEC and REG?
thank you very much!
Can you email me your notes for BEC 1 and BEC 2? I have the others, and I wanted to look at your notes for these as well, but I can't find them...thank you!
I stumbled across your website and it sounds like your notes are a valuable resource (one which was unfairly removed). Would you be so kind to email them to me?
Thank you.
Can you please email me your notes for BEC.
Thank you!
can you please send me your notes on this id
I just found some of your notes and have just started with cpa studies...
so i want for all the subjects
Hi, I found that your notes is very helpful. Is it possible that you can email me your notes for BEC? Many thanks! jingjingpengpeng@gmail.com
I set your blog as one of my favorites and used your study guide to help study for my exams. I'm sorry to hear that you had to remove the study guides from your blog. However, as I found your guides EXTREMELY helpful, could you please e-mail me the guides for all four sections?
Thanks again,
I am planning to take the cpa exam sooner in Massachusetts and I need some good notes to combine with what I already studied or known. Please send me all your notes at patarpout@yahoo.com.
Thanks in advance.
Your notes have been very helpful. Would you be able to send me BEC notes? How can I thank you?
I have used your notes for the other parts of the exam and would like to use them for BEC as well as my exam is in 2 days. Would you kindly email all of the notes to me. I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you!
Hi Can you please send me a copy of your notes on REG and FIN.. Thanks for the great work you are doing with your notes Just took BEC and your notes were very helpful. My email add is demayor1@hotmail.com
Hi there,
I really really need some notes as im doing self study, any kind of help in providing study material will be very much appreciated. Can you email me at
I am doing self study while working and attending school. I would really appreciate it if you could please email me your notes for BEC which I plan to take in July/August.
My email is sdivad87@hotmail.com
I can't thank you enough in advance.
I am studying for the CPA exam as well. It seems like your notes are very popular. Can you forward me a copy of them as well?
Your notes appear to be very helpful. I would greatly appreciate a copy of your BEC, FAR, and REG notes. Thanks!
i am planing to take FAR in the july window. would be please email me your notes for FAR nizer64@gmail.com
I am studying CPA.
Kindly send me your notes on this id
Thanks alot
Can you PLEASE send me your notes for BEC? I would GREATLY appreciate it!
If possible, can you please email me your notes for all section.
Thank you!
I am using your AUD notes to study the exam right now. It is awesome. English is not my first language. Your notes are much easier to understand and remember than any other CPA review materials. It is really helpful for me. Unfortunately, they were removed from your site. Could anyone send FAR, BEC and REG to me please? Thank you very very very much.
Hi, Can you please send me your notes for BEC and REG? Thank you so much. My email is lilpattygal@hotmail.com.
Hi, Can you please send me your notes for BEC and REG? Thank you so much. My email is axf024000@utdallas.edu.
Its bull that they removed your notes. Is there any way I could get a copy of the notes that have helped so many dedicated test takers.
Hi can I also get a copy of your notes? Thanks!
Hi could I get the answers for the BEC Formula sheet mini test? Thanks!
I'm in need for the FAR/REG/BEC study notes. Can anyone please be so kind and e-mail them to the address listed below?
Can you please e-mail me the notes to jgraveon@gmail.com for BEC???
Hi are your notes available to be emailed? I would like to see the BEC notes. Thank you.
Can you please send me the BEC notes? Take it on Monday...UGH. One down, three to go.
I've used your notes for AUD, FAR and REG - any chance you can email the BEC ones? I just looked and am sad that they were taken down :(
I've used your notes for AUD and they are great - any chance you can email the FAR and BEC ones? I just looked and its sad how they were taken down :(
hello there
can you please send me your notes for BEC and fare...I would really really appreciate it. Thanks
I am currently studying for the CPA exam and I was wondering if you could send me your notes for all of the sections for BEC, FAR and REG. Thank you so much! Your notes are extremely helpful!
I came across your blog and have found you cpa notes very helpful.
Could you please email me your FAR notes?
Thank you very much!
Can anyone email me the study notes for FAR, REG, and BEC. The auditing notes are great and wanted to use the others as well.
Just got my results back for BEC and got a 74%, my buddy said that your notes really helped him through it. Could you please send me your BEC notes it would be greatly appreciated. Maybe they will help push me over the 75% mark.
I am using your FAR notes as a refresher and would greatly appreciate if you could email me FAR 6,7,8,9
Also, if available, I would appreciate you sending me your BEC and AUD notes.
I used your REG and I killed it and I want to have similar success!
Congrats on passing all your tests.
If anyone else has these notes, please email me! Thank you fellow future CPAs!
Hey could you please email me your study notes for FAR. I have heard from my friends that your notes are very helpful. Thanks
I'm using your notes for FAR and AUD and would love to also use the notes for REG and BEC. Could you forward them to me?
Thanks so much!
Hi, could anyone email me the BEC and REG notes at plpp2000@hotmail.com? Thanks a lot!
I find your notes very helpful for FAR. Could you please email me your notes for BEC, AUD, and REG as well at tamveal@yahoo.com
Thank you
Just getting into studying for the second time around. First time did not go well. Came across these and they look very helpful. I would love any and all sections you could send me.
Thanks so much.
I am studying for the CPA exam. It seems like your notes are very popular. Can you forward me a copy of them as well?
I'm in the process of taking the cpa exams soon. I heard that your notes are very helpful. Would you please kindly email me the notes? I truly appreciate it.
Hi there,
Could you please email me FAR study notes.
Thank you very much!
please email me your bec study notes; savagekcmo@aol.com
Will You PLEASE send me your AUDIT notes????????
I have the BEC notes if anyone is interested. At the same time, I need the FAR and the REG notes. Please help. My email is fiona.kotter@alaska.gov
Hi, I am taking BEC nov 30th. Would you please email me your notes? They would be a nice final review.
Thank you very much
Can you please email me your BEC notes? I used them for FAR and they were wonderful!
Thank you!
Hi, can you please email me the notes to brettalexmanzella@gmail.com. It would be very much appreciated.
can you please email me your notes for all section except FAR.
Thank you!
I am have just started studying and wanted to add your notes to the material I created. Please, I would be very grateful if you would please share your notes with me.
Thank you very much. I can be reached at
Hello. I've noticed that your notes are very helpful to others and I was wondering if I can receive them as well. I'm thinking of taking my exam later in the year. Although I know the format has changed, from what I've noticed in the AUD section they're very helpful.
My email is princess_t123@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance
I saved the link in my favorite long time ago and just found out the Notes were removed. Could you please send me FAR and BEC notes? Thank you
I was hoping to get your study notes for BEC and FAR, my email is jennifer@ndkccpa.com
I loved the audit notes and was disappointed to see they removed your other notes.
Hi I found your link to your BEC notes however they are removed.
Can you please please send me the notes as well? I am scheduled to take it in April.
Hi I was wondering if you can email me your BEC notes, that would be AWESOME. Thank you.
Would greatly appreciate it if you could send your notes for BEC, FAR & REG to me. Loved the AUD notes.
Can you please share your notes on BEC, AUD, and FAR?
This would be great to have this study note really can help us. thanks for sharing this to us.
This is what I've been trying to focus on when I study, putting all the information in an easy read format that I could review. Would love to see what you have for REG, BEC and FAR if you could email them to me. It is ridiculous that they requested that you take the info down, it's like the real world where you are forced to work together, why not share ideas on studying for the CPA? Anyways, my email is rmegant@gmail.com.
Your notes sound like they are really helpful and I would love to use them. Do you think you could email them to me at vjn5005@gmail.com?
Thank you!
Hey VJN,
Notes are back up at my new website:
Good luck studying!
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can someone possibly email me the notes for the BEC and FAR section if you have them? my email is hdean@go.olemiss.edu I would really appreciate it! thank you so much!
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